The presentations featured on this site highlights some of my participation at the local, regional and international level.. Click here for a listing of the other presentations.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Spotlight Series 2021
Click on the sound icon to the right of the slide to listen to an excerpt of the presentation.
In this short clip, i present a dichotomy using Jason Mraz’s “Life is Wonderful”, for all of us to think about: [1] why quality education is important, [2] what does quality education mean and, [how can each of us do our part to promote quality education.
This is an interactive discussion session for students and faculty in SUNY Oneonta. Click on accompanying resources for recommended children’s books to teach about the importance of education.
National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, 2023
Supporting Students’ Social Justice Literacies with Comics, Graphic Novels and Anime.
This is a panel session presented with colleagues
from across the U.S:
Drs. David Low, California State at Fresno;
Michael Dando, St. Cloud State University;
Francisco Torres, Kent State University;
Beth Krone, Kennesaw State University &
Renee Rodriguez-Astacio, California State University at Fresno
Spring 2024 Faculty Convivium
Vignettes of Memoria, Verdad y Justicia (Memory, Truth & Justice)
This presentation examines the linguistic landscapes and literacy practices of a public commemoration marking the 40th anniversary of the March 24, 1976 coup in Argentina. Drawing on a three-year research conducted across two distinct sites in Buenos Aires — a public university and the hub of a city center which was transformed into an educational space for memory and justice, this talk illuminates the ways in which critical and multimodal literacies function spatially to evoke memories of the past while addressing contemporary justice concerns.
New York State Reading Association Conference 2023
Storying Critical Social Worlds Through Comics
This is a faculty-student symposium session. SUNY Oneonta’s Summer Research Fellows under my supervision, collaborated with a graphic novelist to develop social justice comics.They employed critical literacy and intersectionality as a framework to analyze one another’s comics and presented their findings with me during the symposium.
Fostering Dialogue. Teaching Children’s Literature at University
Click on the sound icon to the right of the slide to listen to an excerpt of the presentation.
This is an international online conference organized by University of Padua, Italy for faculty who are teaching Children’s Literature at the university level. In this session, I shared several online strategies for engaging college students through Children’s Literature. I also highlighted how I navigated teaching Children’s Literature during the pandemic of COVID-19 when classes were running remotely.
Leatherstocking Writing Project Open Institute
This series of workshops is meant to introduce teachers, faculty and the community to new ways of “writing” using ArcGIS storymap, a digital platform that creates opportunities for budding writers to express themselves through multiple modes - visual, audio, video and text. Click on my slides for details.